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Tuaka anak semata wayang tinggal di daerah aliran sungai di Indragiri dengan ibunya, seorang janda miskin. Pada suatu hari, di hutan tampak dua ekor ular sedang memperebutkan Batu kemala- sejenis batu mulia yang mahal harganya. Kedua ular itu tidak berhasil mendapatkan batu kemala, tetapi malah jatuh ke tangan Tuaka yang ketika itu sedang mencari kayu api di hutan itu. Ia kemudian menjual batu kemala kepada saudagar , karena mahalnya saudagar tidak memiliki uang tunai yang cukup. Akhirnya disepakati pembayaran akan dilakukan di Temasik, bandar Singapura, karena saudagar akan berdagang disana. Ibunya dengan erat hati merestuikepergian anaknya dan berpesan segera pulang setelah berhasil. Rupanya Tuaka punya pikirann lain, ia memutuskan untuk menjadi saudagar di Singapura dengan mempersunting gadis setempat. Ia kini menjadi saudagar kaya raya. Pada suatu hari isterinya merindukan ingin bertemu mertuanya yang selama ini belum dikenalnya, maka kembalilah Tuaka dan isterinya ke Indragiri dengan menggunakan kapal layar. Ibunya berada diantara penduduk yang menyambut kedatangan Tuaka yang telah berhasil di negeri orang. Begitu melihat ibunya yang tua renta bersahaja, Tuaka menghardiknya dan ia tidak mengakui , ibunya merasa sakit hati kemudian mengutuk Tuaka yang durhaka menjadi burung elang dan istrinya menjadi burung punai. Tempat peristiwa itu sekarang disebut Batang Tuaka.

Menjelang tengah malam sekelompok kawanan misterius mengusik ketemteraman para tauke, tuan tanah, rentenir dan orang-orang yang dianggap kaki tangan kompeni. Kawanan itu melakukan perampokan atas harta benda orang-orang itu. Saat beraksi mereka menutupi kepala dengan kain sarung sehingga sulit untuk dikenali. Sementara itu esok paginya penduduk pribumi yang menderita akibat penjajahan, tiba-tiba seperti menemukan secercah harapan. Penduduk miskin, keluarga yang terbelit utang dan anak-anak yatim memperoleh sepikul beras dan sekantung uang di depan pintu rumahnya. Kejadian itu merajalela dan membuat penguasa kompeni murkadan berusaha untuk mengungkap kawanan perampok misterius itu. Penguasa kompeni akhirnya mengetahui bahwa Si Pitung, jago silat dari kampung Rawabelong berada dibalik para perampok itu dan bersumpah untuk menangkapnya. Kompeni rupanya kesulitan menangkap Si Pitungyang dikenal sakti itu. Kemudian dilakukanlah siasat dengan mengintimidasi penduduk Rawabelongagar Si Pitung menyerah. Ia malah dengan gagah beranimelawan pasukan kompeni. Tapi ia tidak menyadari bahwa rahasia kesaktiannya telah diketahui kompeni dan akhirnya Si Pitung mati ditembus peluru dengan diiringi tangisan penduduk kampung. Saat ini Masjid peninggalan Si Pitung masih bisa disaksikan di Marunda, Jakarta Utara.

Kemarau panjang melanda kampung di daerah aliran sungai Rugan, anak sungai Kahayan. Bahaya kelaparan melanda penduduk, sehingga mereka berusaha mencari bahan makanan ke daerah hutan pedalaman yang masih subur. Di hutan, seorang penduduk bernama Tambing, menemukan sebutir telur dan memakannya karena tidak kuat menahan lapar. Penduduk dan keluarganya menjadi kaget ketika secara perlahan-lahan menyaksikan Tambingberubah menjadi ular naga raksasa. Kemudian diketahui bahwa elur itu adalah telur seekor naga. Tambing sang naga harus menyesuaikan hidup di sungai. Timbullah prahara lain, penduduk yang nyaris kehabisan persediaan ikan karena dimangsa naga Tambing. Kemudian penduduk memindahkan Tambing ke sungai Kahayan yang lebih besar, akibatnya populasi ikan disanamenyusut drastis. Untuk mencegah kepunahan, ikan seluang berinisiatif memimpin ikan-ikan sungai kahayan untuk mengusir naga Tambing. Dibuatlah kabar palsubahwa naga Tambing ditantang naga Pusai di muara sungai. Mendengar tantangan itu, Tambing segera bergerak ke hilir, lalu bersembinyi di balik sebuah pulaudi muara sungai untuk menghadang musuh. Lama menunggu membuat Tambing tertidur kelelahan. Tiba-tiba ia terbangun ketika sebuah benda menyentuh kepalanya. Dipikirnya naga Pusai, maka dengan cepat dimangsanya. Ia kabet dan merasa kesakitan, karena ternyata ia telah memakan ekornya sendiri. Rupanya tanpa disadari ketika tertidur, ekornya yang panjangmeliuk hanyutterbawa arus ke muara dan menyentuh kepalanya sendiri. Ia akhirnya tewas. Aliran air yang dilalui naga tambing menuju muara sungai Kahayan, kini dikenal sebagai Terusan Nusa.

Di sebuah kampung hiduplah keluarga pembuat kain sarung yang sedang mengalami kekurangan kapas untuk bahan kain sarung. Anaknya bernama Raja mendapat ilham dalam mimpinya untuk pergi ke sebuah goa. Didalam goa, bertemu kakek tua berjangut panjang dan memberi ia segenggam biji kapas dan berpesan agar ditanam di ladang orang tuanya. Setelah itu si Kakek berubah menjadi ular piton. Raja lari sambil membawa biji kapas. Dalam waktu singkat tanaman kapas tumbuh membesar, sehingga keluarga Raja bisa membuat tenunan kain sarung dengan cepat. Mulailah keluarga Raja hidup berkecukupan. Suatu hari Raja kembali ke goa dan melihat tujuh anak gadis berada di goa itu. Ia kemudian diberitahu bahwa sesungguhnya mereka adalah putri ular dan si kakek adalah orang tua mereka. Rupanya si kakek telah membutakan mata Raja sehingga melihatgadis gadis itu seperti sosok manusia. Raja kemudian dinikahkan dengan putri bungsudan membawanya ke kampung. Penduduk kampung melihat Raja memelihara ular piton dan berusaha membunuh ular itu. Rumah Raja dibakar massa sampai hangus termasuk si bungsu. Mendengar berita duka, keluarga si bungsu membalas dendam. Pasukan ular dikerahkan menyerbu dan mendorong isi perut bumi, memporak porandakan perkampungan Raja. Perkampungan itu berubah menjadi Gunung dan sekarang dikenal Gunung Mauraja atau Ile Mauraja.

Tuaka, the only son of his parents, resident in Indragiri basin together with his mother, a poor widow. Oncde upon a time, there were two snake in jungle, fighting against one another for a Batu Kemala a kind of gems stone, which instead was get by Tuaka who was than searching for wood in the jungle. Afterwards he sold the stone to a merchant, but the merchant has no sufficient money for the stone was too expensive. Finally, they agreed that payment would be made in Tumasik, Singapore’s port, because the merchant has buisness there. His mother approved reluctantly her son’s journey and told him to return soon after the completion of his affair. However, Tuaka seemingly has other plan. He decided to be a merchantin Singapore and married local girl. Now he became a great merchant. One time his wife eager to meet with her mother-in-law who she has not known, so that Tuaka and his wife returned to Indragiri by a ship. His mother was among thoseinhabitants who welcome he arrival of Tuaka, being a very successful man abroad. Soon after seeing his old and plan mother, Tuaka scolded her and not recognized her as his mother. His mother felt ill, and then she cursed wicked Tuaka to be an eagle and his wife to be a pigeon. Now the site of event is know Batang Tuaka.
Toward midnight a group of mysterious gang disturbed the tranquillity of shop propietors, landlords, usurers, and alleged henchnen of Kompeni (Dutch rule). The gang robbed properties of men. During in action, they covered their heads with sarong cloths, so that they were difficult to recognize. Meanwhile, in the morning those natives who were suffering under colonization, suddenly as if get a flash of hope. The poor, families with debts, and fatherless childrens found a bag of rice and bundle of money at the front of their houses’ doors. This rampant occurrence made Dutch ruler fury and strive to uncover the mysterious robbers. The rule eventually leanrt that Si Pitung, silat (a kind of self-defence art) champion from Rawabelong village,was the brain behind the gang and the Dutch ruler vowed to arrest him. However, the rurel seemingly faced trouble uin arresting si Pitung who was well known of supernatural power. Then a trick was undertook by intimidating Rawabelong’s inhabitants in order that Si Pitung give up. However, rather than gave up, he bravely fought against the ruler’s stroops. Unfortunately he was not concious that the secret of supernatural power had been known by the ruler and in the end Si Pitung dead from bullet, escoted by lamentation of sorrowful people. Today a Mosque Si Pitung inherted can be seen in Marunda, North Jakarta.
A long dry spell hit a village that lay in Rugan basin, a tributary of river Kahayan. Danger or starvation attacked the people, so had they strove for food stuff to hinterland fertile jungle. An inhabitant, named Tambing, found an egg in jungle and he ate it because he was very hungry. The people and his families was strarle when they saw Tambing chang slowly to be a big dragon. The eventually knew that the egg was a dragon’s egg. Tambing naw being dragon, had to adapt with river living. Then another turbulent occurred, the village people nearly ran uot of fish stock because the dragon Tambing had preyedthem. The people then moved Tambing to river Kahayan, which was bigger, and consequently population of fish there decreased drastically. In attempt to guard against extinction, fish Seluang took initiative ti lead other fishes in river Kahayan to expel dragon Tabing. A false news was issued that the dragon Tambing had been challenge, Tambing hurriedly moved to downstream, and he hid behind of an islan at the estuary to ambush his enemy. Because he was waiting too long, he overslept for tired. Suddenly he woke up when something touched his head. He thought that it was upset and in plain, because he had in fact eaten his tail. Indeed, when he was sleeping his long tail bent unconsiously by current until it touched his own head. He dead in the end. The stream dragon Tambing passed toward downstream of river Kahayan is now named Terusan Nusa.
Once upon a time there wa a family of sarong cloth maker who lack of cotton to be used as raw material for making sarong. A son of their family named Raja get insipation in his dream to go to a cave. In the cave he met a long bearded old man and he gave a handful of cotton seeds and asked him to plan them on his parents land. Afterward the old man was transformed to a piton snake. Raja ran fearfully and brought with him the cotton seeds. In a short time the plant grew bigger, so thet the family could produce yards for sarong cloth quickly. Raja’s family began get richer. One day Raja returned to the cave and saw seven girls in the cave. HE was told then that they really were daugters of snake and the old man was their parent. The old man had seemingly blinded Raja’s eyes so that he saw the girls as if human. The Raja married the youngest of the girls and took her to his village. The people of village watched Raja nurtured a piton and attempt to kill the snake. Raja’s house was burnt by mass in to a ruin, including the youngest. Hearing the bed news, family of the youngest revenged snake troops were employed to attack by pushing the content of bowels of the earth, and brought the village to chaos. The village turn into a mount and it is new called mount Mauraja or Ile Mauraja.
Jenis : Istimewa.
Kode produk : 011002
Tanggal terbit : 2 Februari 2001
Desain : Batang Tuaka (Riau)
: Si Pitung (Jakarta)
: Terusan Nusa (Kalimantan
: Ile Mauraja (Nusa Tenggara
Denominasi : 20 X Rp900,-
Ukuran : 41.06 X 25.31
Perforasi : 12.75 X 13.50
Warna : 5 warna + 1 logo
Kertas : Putih tanpa tanda air
Perekat : PVA
Proses cetak : Kombinasi Offset dan Rotogravure
Jumlah cetak : 500.000 set
Komposisi Sheet : 20 buah ( 5X4 )
Pencetak : Perum PERURI
Kode produk : 013002
Denominasi : Rp5.000,-
Jumlah cetak : 100.000 set
Perancang : Ahmad Thoriq H
Kode produk : 012002 ( 4 bh )
Harga : Rp22.500,-
Jumlah cetak : 10.000 set
SHP dengan S/S
Kode produk : 012102
Harga : Rp6.000,-
Jumlah cetak : 10.000 set

Classification of issuance : Special stamp
Product code : 011002
Issue date : 2 February 2001
Designs : Batang Tuaka ( Riau )
: Si Pitung ( Jakarta )
: Terusan Nusa ( Central Kalimantan )
: Ile Mauraja ( East Nusatenggara )

Denominations : 20 X Rp900,-
Size : 41.06 X 25.31 mm
Perforations : 1.75 X 13.50
Colors : 5 colors + 1 logo
Paper : White Unwatermarked
Gum : PVA
Printing process : Combination of Offset & Rotogravure
Printing Quantity : 500.000 sets
Sheet composition : 20 pcs ( 4X5 )

Product code : 013002
Denomination : Rp5.000,-
Printing Quantity : 100.000 sets
Stamps and SS Designed by Ahmad Thoriq H

Product code : 012002 ( 4 psc )
Price : Rp22.500,-
Printing Quantity : 10.000 sets
F D C With SS
Product code : 012102
Price : Rp6.000,-
Printing Quantity : 10.000 sets

Many games have special codes built into them in order to help the debuggers during testing. Usually these codes are not removed from the source code when the games ship. These codes are often called "cheat" codes because presumably by using them one is "cheating" the normal rules that apply to the game.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic Hyper Lander 2 Classic
The world of philately/History of the postage stamp
[1840 - world's first stamp].
From the start of postal services throughout the world, a problem arose which lasted several centuries: who should pay the postage – the sender or the recipient?
Although methods often varied from one country to another, it remained the custom for a long time for this task to be that of the recipient. But what if the receiver exercised his right to refuse the letter and not pay the postage?
Many attempts were made to find a solution which would guarantee that the postal organizations would receive the tax that was their due. In France, a certain Monsieur de Velayer had the idea of creating a small post office and in 1653, he offered his customers small pieces of paper with the mention “receipt for the payment of transport.” These were to be put into letterboxes that were emptied at more or less regular hours and then sent to their destinations. In 1814 the Sardinian postal service took up M. de Velayer's idea and relaunched the “stamped paper” principle, but again it was used only for a short time.
It was not until 6 May 1840 that the pre-payment of postage in the form of an adhesive receipt took off. The postage stamp was born when English post offices initiated the sale of the first stamps, the Penny Black stamp and the two Penny Blue stamp with the portrait of Queen Victoria, as well as two prepaid envelopes. The world's first postage stamp, the Penny Black, was introduced by Great Britain.
At first the public found it very hard to adapt to the idea of buying envelopes or stamps in advance and caricatures of these first envelopes very soon appeared. It required some months to reconcile the public to this new procedure for sending mail. But it worked and between May 1840 and January 1841, 72 million Penny Blacks were issued.
The method was rapidly adopted by other countries and the postage stamp thus found its reason for existence – it had become a receipt for services to be rendered. The appearance of stamps on envelopes, postcards, bills and forms also gave rise to a new passion – philately.

A text dialog will appear and the game will pause. From here you can enter a game code. The codes we know of are outlined below.

Philatelic Counters {POJOK FILATELI PC>PFI CABANG MUSI RAWAS KANTOR POS LUBUK LINGGAU-31600/DIVISI FILATELI Mr.AGUS SUKAHAR-Manager} The philatelic counter at present is only available at the Mail and Parcel Processing Centre. This counter sells past and new stamp issues and other philatelic products. However, first day covers are available at all post office counters, but only on the first day of stamp issue. Game Codes for Hyper Lander
The codes I have found are GHOST, SOGGLE, FOGGLE, and FILLERUP.

- GHOST will allow you to fly through walls without crashing.

- SOGGLE appears to turn off the shield so that when you do collide with something the shield is NOT damaged any.

Game Codes - Continued
- FOGGLE is along the same lines as SOGGLE only with the fuel. Usually when you fire the thrusters you deplete your ships fuel but FOGGLE will prevent the fuel from depleting.

- FILLERUP will cause the fuel tanks to be filled back up completely.

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Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic